Well it's not really a big deal. I have been getting anywhere from 3-5 eggs a day. But since we've had this hot spell, I've been lucky to get 2 a day. One day I was skunked. Zip, Zero. Pathetic. Well today the weather was cooler and I thought I would get at least 5. I mean how long can they hold them? Look what I got today......
Nothing to write home about. Our standard egg from our Buff, Gabby. But look a new one. It's
GREEN! I'm stoked. I think it from our little girl we call Shrek, cause she has green legs. I don't know for sure. We got our little hens from a co-worker along with 7 brothers. Not really brothers and sisters. They bought the eggs and hatched them. They picked a variety but they can't remember which ones were which. I'm guessing at Shrek laying the egg. But it's cool nevertheless. This being her first egg is small....
See it compared to my Gabby's? The other eggs, the lighter colored ones are coming from our Reds.
Now hopefully they won't go on strike because it's getting chilly.
OH! How cool! We just started raising hens. We only have 3 and one is still a chick (replacement for a hen who turned out to be a roo) :(. The chick is an easter egger and she has greenish feet so I'm hoping we get fun-colored eggs too. :)