Somehow I forgot to post my UFO list in January. I've finished 5 of them so far. I'm a little behind but hope to catch up by the end of the year.
I had compiled my list with pictures of my UFOs (unfinished objects) for Judy's challenge way back in January. I forgot to post it. So before any more time flys by here's my list.
Judy at Patchwork Times is have a UFO Challenge for 2012. I've thought about entering it but wasn't sure if I could keep on task to complete one UFO a month. But if the challenge helps to motivate me to accomplish any, then I'll have succeeded. Here's my list:
1. Small charity quilt. Needs binding
2. Jessee's quilt. Only top is completed
3. St. Paul Parochial School charity auction quilt. Top completed
4. Jan's quilt. Top completed
5. Jana's quilt. Top completed
6. Springtime Churndash quilt. Top completed
7. Applique wallhanging. Binding needed
8. Louise's batik stars quilt. Binding needed
9. BOM Star quilt. Piecing, quilting and binding needed
10. BOM quilt as you go. Piecing, quilting and binding needed
11. Boy Scout vests.
12. Blue tablerunner. Binding needed
Well, seeing it written down is reality. I am going to make a concerted effort to get all these done by December 31, 2012
Lots of great projects there! Hope you continue your run of finishes :)