I was able to sew most of Saturday. Doug had to work so I took advantage of it. I got the top pretty near finished except the last border.
I haven't decided what to use for the last border. I guess it will depend on how much fabric I have or how much of several fabrics I have.
This post is being linked to Judy's Design Wall
Monday, May 28, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
UFO List 2012
Somehow I forgot to post my UFO list in January. I've finished 5 of them so far. I'm a little behind but hope to catch up by the end of the year.
I had compiled my list with pictures of my UFOs (unfinished objects) for Judy's challenge way back in January. I forgot to post it. So before any more time flys by here's my list.
Judy at Patchwork Times is have a UFO Challenge for 2012. I've thought about entering it but wasn't sure if I could keep on task to complete one UFO a month. But if the challenge helps to motivate me to accomplish any, then I'll have succeeded. Here's my list:
1. Small charity quilt. Needs binding
2. Jessee's quilt. Only top is completed
3. St. Paul Parochial School charity auction quilt. Top completed
4. Jan's quilt. Top completed
5. Jana's quilt. Top completed
6. Springtime Churndash quilt. Top completed
7. Applique wallhanging. Binding needed
8. Louise's batik stars quilt. Binding needed
9. BOM Star quilt. Piecing, quilting and binding needed
10. BOM quilt as you go. Piecing, quilting and binding needed
11. Boy Scout vests.
12. Blue tablerunner. Binding needed
Well, seeing it written down is reality. I am going to make a concerted effort to get all these done by December 31, 2012
Somehow I forgot to post my UFO list in January. I've finished 5 of them so far. I'm a little behind but hope to catch up by the end of the year.
I had compiled my list with pictures of my UFOs (unfinished objects) for Judy's challenge way back in January. I forgot to post it. So before any more time flys by here's my list.
Judy at Patchwork Times is have a UFO Challenge for 2012. I've thought about entering it but wasn't sure if I could keep on task to complete one UFO a month. But if the challenge helps to motivate me to accomplish any, then I'll have succeeded. Here's my list:
1. Small charity quilt. Needs binding
2. Jessee's quilt. Only top is completed
3. St. Paul Parochial School charity auction quilt. Top completed
4. Jan's quilt. Top completed
5. Jana's quilt. Top completed
6. Springtime Churndash quilt. Top completed
7. Applique wallhanging. Binding needed
8. Louise's batik stars quilt. Binding needed
9. BOM Star quilt. Piecing, quilting and binding needed
10. BOM quilt as you go. Piecing, quilting and binding needed
11. Boy Scout vests.
12. Blue tablerunner. Binding needed
Well, seeing it written down is reality. I am going to make a concerted effort to get all these done by December 31, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Design Wall May 21, 2012
I finished my 30 blocks Friday, cut my sashing strips and today I was able to get four rows sewn together.
I I'm hoping I can find some time after work this week to keep sewing on it. It's pretty hard working 9 hr days and my commute is 1 and 1 1/2 each day. Doesn't leave a lot of time for anything except fixing dinner and bed.
This post is being linked to Judy's Design Wall
This post is being linked to Judy's Design Wall
Starting the Garden
We are getting a later start on our garden than we wanted. We have been looking for a tiller and just today found one. So Doug got busy tilling. We want to get the tomatoes and peppers that I bought in the ground. So he's just tilling enough of an area for that right now. It's suppose to rain all week and it would be nice to have them in the ground getting established.
Right now the chickens have the run of the place. We will be planting from the trees to the chain link fence and back to where the green plant is in the back. That's my rhubarb. I had to fence it in because the chickens were eating the leaves. They are really loving the newly scratched dirt.
The chick on the right is one of our new purchases. She's about 3 weeks old. We got her and two others. They seem to be adjusting well with the older hens.
This post is being linked to Homestead Revival Barn Hop
Right now the chickens have the run of the place. We will be planting from the trees to the chain link fence and back to where the green plant is in the back. That's my rhubarb. I had to fence it in because the chickens were eating the leaves. They are really loving the newly scratched dirt.
The chick on the right is one of our new purchases. She's about 3 weeks old. We got her and two others. They seem to be adjusting well with the older hens.
This post is being linked to Homestead Revival Barn Hop
A Few Flowers for the Birds and Us
We got some of these iris from Doug's sister and some from a friend of mine from work. We planted them against the fence to choke out the weeds from the farmer's field. They are really doing well.
I planted the "Red Hot Pokers" for Doug the first year we moved here. He said that the birds really love them. They're hardy and hardly any maintenance. This is one of the varieties that I got. When I planted them they took forever to break the surface. Doug, not liking any weeds, sprayed the area until I told him that there were flowers there. I didn't hurt them too much. We moved some and now the Orioles, Hummingbirds and cedar waxwings love the nectar. The smaller birds like the foliage for cover. It's a win-win situation.
Here's the red variety. When they are mature, the bottom turns yellow and the top stays red.
Monday, May 7, 2012
My Design Wall May 7
I decided to join Judy's Sweet Treat Quilt Along. I know, another project? I don't have the rest of my unfinished projects completed and I'm starting another. I can't help it. If any of you missed her post the link above will take you there. I didn't get the 30 blocks done she suggested. I've got alot cut out and I maybe able to do some after work this next week. Although, the weather's suppose to be wonderful.
In other news, We got 3 3wk old chicks. They stayed in the garage for a couple of days and nights and Friday we took them to the coop with the older hens. They were let out of their cage this morning and everything's going well. In fact, we even discovered a broody chicken tonight. She sqwaked and screeched at Doug as he was gathering eggs. So we picked out 6 nicely shaped (not cylindical nor pointed ends) ones from different hens. Maybe by June 2nd we will have more babies. I hope so.
This post is being linked to Patchwork Times and Homestead Revival Barn Hop
In other news, We got 3 3wk old chicks.
In other news, We got 3 3wk old chicks. They stayed in the garage for a couple of days and nights and Friday we took them to the coop with the older hens. They were let out of their cage this morning and everything's going well. In fact, we even discovered a broody chicken tonight. She sqwaked and screeched at Doug as he was gathering eggs. So we picked out 6 nicely shaped (not cylindical nor pointed ends) ones from different hens. Maybe by June 2nd we will have more babies. I hope so.
This post is being linked to Patchwork Times and Homestead Revival Barn Hop
Saturday, May 5, 2012
DW's Jean quilt top
I took this picture when I finished the top and never got around to posting. It's a complete flimsy. I still have the back to start. It's a pieced Crown Royal back. Many many CR sacks I need to disassemble and reassemble. Not looking forward to that.
Well it is what it is. I'll get on it but he won't need it till this fall. So I guess I have some time. Right?
Well it is what it is. I'll get on it but he won't need it till this fall. So I guess I have some time. Right?
Design Wall,
Spring in my Backyard
Pictures to feed your souls. I took these weeks ago and never posted them. I wanted to share with everyone.
I've had the Rosemary for years and it never bloomed. I didn't know they bloomed. Since we've moved to the country and I bought a very large planter, it's been flowering like gangbusters. I love it, the hummers love it, the bees love it.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
UFO #2 May Project
Judy called the number for the May project. It was number 2. This is my #2 quilt. It is one of Judy's patterns called Out of the Bag. I made it for my grandson. The top if pieced. It need a couple of borders and the top will be complete. I will then get to quilt it. I got some boy fabric for a backing. I don't remember what it is as I bought several backs for all my UFO projects.

I didn't get anything done on my April project. It is a quilt as you go BOM quilt. I only have the borders to do. It will go fast once I get to it. It's not going to anyone in particular, so I can put if on next year's UFO list, or not. Well see how the summer progresses with all the outside things to do.
This post is being linked to Patchwork Times May UFO
I didn't get anything done on my April project. It is a quilt as you go BOM quilt. I only have the borders to do. It will go fast once I get to it. It's not going to anyone in particular, so I can put if on next year's UFO list, or not. Well see how the summer progresses with all the outside things to do.
This post is being linked to Patchwork Times May UFO
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